Flame Decon Soap Bundle


Our Winter Decon Soap Bundle includes Soaps in collaboration with IDLH Apparel, FAST Rescue Solutions, and Flow and Vent.  

With this set, you’ll get matching stickers for each Soap and $3 from each bundle will go to non-profits that we've selected alongside each of these amazing companies. The non-profits selected for the Winter bundle are Extinguish Cancer, Friends of Firefighters, and The Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation.

IDLH Apparel // Scent: IDLH Avalanche // Extinguish Cancer

FAST Rescue Solutions // Scent: Buttered Rum // Friends of Firefighters

Flow and Vent // Scent: Alpine Eucalyptus // The Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation


  • 3 bars of Soap (yes, this is our famous decon Soap with new scents) OR you can choose to have all three bars be our FLAME original scent OR Both
  • Stickers to match the theme of the each Soap

Why subscribe? 

  • Have your Decon Soap ready when you need it
  • Decon not only from fires but from carcinogens around the station every shift
  • Guaranteed to get our limited scents and stickers
  • Save 20%
  • Cancel anytime
  • Lock in at the lowest price 
  • Starting at ONLY $7.99 per month

Legalese: By purchasing this product you understand that this product does not claim to prevent or cure cancer or any other disease or infection. You also assume all responsibility for use of this product.

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Soap Scent: Seasonal Scents

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